Create or revise lyrics: Creative lyrics for your song

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Create or revise lyrics

The "Create or edit lyrics" function gives you the opportunity to generate lyrics for your song or adapt existing lyrics. Perfect for putting your vision into words!

Lyric customization options

The /lyricedit menu offers you a variety of customization options to customize your lyrics. Here are all the available options:

  • Change theme: Adjust the theme of the lyrics, e.g. love, freedom, adventure.
  • Adjust mood: Choose the emotional orientation you want, such as happy, melancholic or inspiring.
  • Rhyme structure: Choose between rhyming and free lyrics to emphasize the style of your song.
  • Change language: Translate your lyrics into another language or create them directly in the desired language.
  • Rephrase passages: Rephrase individual sections of your lyrics to make them clearer or more emotional.
  • Adjust lyrics length: Lengthen or shorten certain parts of a song, such as verses or chorus.
  • Increase the level of detail: Add additional details or metaphors to make your lyrics more vivid.
  • Word choice: Replace words with synonyms to make the lyrics more varied.
  • Rhythmic adjustments: Optimize the lyrics for the flow of your song.
  • Highlight Chorus: Make the chorus more catchy and concise.

Examples of Lyric Adjustments

Here are some examples of how you can customize your lyrics using the options under /lyricedit :

  • Change theme: "Turn a romantic ballad into a song about adventure."
  • Adjust mood: "Change a happy song into a melancholy ballad."
  • Rephrase passages: "Replace 'The sun is shining' with 'The sun is breaking through clouds' for more expression."
  • Rhyme structure: "Switch from rhyming to free text for an experimental approach."
  • Increase the level of detail: "Add metaphors, e.g. 'The heart beats like a drum roll.'"

Editing steps with /lyricedit

The tool is programmed to give you contextual suggestions when using /lyricedit . Simply select a number to make the desired adjustment. This is especially useful for mobile use.

Here is an example:

1. Change topic
2. Adjust the mood
3. Change rhyme structure
4. Change language
5. Rephrase passages

Simply enter the number of the option you want and the tool will make the adjustment.

export options

After your lyrics are customized, you can export them directly:

  • Standard export: Lyrics as text
  • Advanced export: long description, tags and social media texts
  • Website Export: Create your own song website with your lyrics and additional details.

Use the export options to share or reuse your lyrics!

Helpful Links

If you need additional support, the following resources are available:

A look at the next page: Create a new song from lyrics

On the next page you will learn how to create a complete song from your lyrics. Discover the creative possibilities that the tool offers you!

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